Opening Reception: Adopt-An-Artwork Student Showcase



Opening Reception: Adopt-An-Artwork Student Showcase

Sunday, May 5 | 5-7PM

Free - No Registration Required

You're invited to the Opening Reception of the Adopt-An-Artwork Student Showcase, a celebration of creativity, inspiration, and education. Over 1000 students from Delaware schools have been part of this unique program, where they've inspired by works of adopted from The Biggs Museum.

This special event provides a wonderful opportunity to experience the amazing creativity of students of all ages. Through the Adopt-an-Artwork program, students have explored the world of art, learned about different artists and styles, and expressed their own unique perspectives through their own artwork. 

At the Opening Reception, you'll have the chance to see how art has been incorporated into their curriculum, and you'll be inspired by the incredible talent and creativity on display. This is a fantastic opportunity to support and celebrate the arts in education. 

The Opening Reception is free and open to the public, so bring your friends and family and join us in honoring the hard work and creativity of Delaware students. Let's celebrate their achievements together!